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AWAY | TAKIY — Raise the Curtain for Weaving

CRUX, by Sandra de Berduccy, 2016

In September 2018 the Bolivian weaver and media artist Sandra de Berduccy will visit the PENELOPE Team in munich. She will work in the PENELOPE laboratory and produce an interactive textile installation while the Project team (Ellen Harlizius-Klück and Giovanni Fanfani) will explore the algo-rhythmic and arithmetic properties of ancient pattern weaving and choral lyric.

De Berduccy learned from South Americam master weavers and combines traditional Andean weaving techniques with conductive threads that function as capacitive sensors and produce sound.

The PENELOPE team is a research group situated at Deutsches Museum and investigates weaving as an early digital technology. Among the outcomes is a digital pattern control system (the pattern matrix) and PENELOPEan robots that can demonstrate the fundamental binary logic of weaving.

The exhibition at the end of the residency of Sandra de Berduccy, „AWAY | TAKIY – Vorhang auf für die Weberei“ presents the artwork she created during the time in the PENELOPE Lab.

We plan to do an experimental interactive performance with the pattern matrix controlled PENELOPE robots dancing to the algo-rhythm of an ancient Greek poem on the occasion of the exhibition opening on 9. October (which is at the same time the Pre-Opening of the RODEO Festival Munich).


In Cooperation with RODEO Munich

The visit of Sandra de Berduccy is funded by a residency at the Ebenböckhaus of the city of Munich and by Goethe Institute Bolivia


Work in the PENELOPE Laboratory
17. September to 8. Oktober 2018
Opening hours of Museum für Abgüsse München (PENELOPE Labor), Katharina von Bora Straße 10: Monday tos Friday, 10:0018:00 (Thursday until 20:00)
Work in the PENELOPE Laboratory: Monday to Friday, 10:00-12:00 and 14:00-16:00
Closed on Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays

Making of AWAY | TAKIY
25. September 2018, 18:00, PENELOPE Laboratory at Museum für Abgüsse Munich, Katharina von Bora Straße 10
Artist talk with Sandra de Berduccy and Ellen Harlizius-Klück

Exhibition AWAY | TAKIY – Vorhang auf für die Weberei
10. tos 13. October 2018, Garden Hall of Museum für Abgüsse Munich, Katharina von Bora Straße 10
free entrance
Special opening times:
Wednesday, 10. October 10:00-18:00
Thursday, 11. October 10:00-20:00
Friday, 12. October 10:00-22:00
Saturday, 13. October 18:00-22:00

Exhibition Opening AWAY | TAKIY – Vorhang auf für die Weberei (at the same time Pre-Opening of RODEO Munich Festival)
Tuesday 9. October 2018, 18:00
Museum für Abgüsse Munich, Garden Hall, Katharina von Bora Straße 10


Deutsche Version

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Ellen Harlizius-Klück (July 25, 2018). AWAY | TAKIY — Raise the Curtain for Weaving. PENELOPE. Retrieved February 7, 2025 from

Ellen Harlizius-Klück

I am a researcher interested in the order and logic of making textiles and its impact on the history of technology and science.

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