PENELOPE A Study of Weaving as Technical Mode of Existence
In September 2018 the Bolivian weaver and media artist Sandra de Berduccy will visit the PENELOPE Team in munich. She will work in the PENELOPE laboratory and produce an interactive textile installation while the Project team...
Im September 2018 hat das PENELOPE Team die bolivianische Weberin und Medienkünstlerin Sandra de Berduccy zu Gast. Sie wird im Projektlabor an einer interaktiven Installation arbeiten während das Projektteam unter der Leitung von Ellen Harlizius-Klück die...
We are very happy to work with Christian Faubel in our Penelopean laboratory for the next two days, making robots to weave and braid. While he is here with us, we decided to also create a performance...
One of the great unknowns following the first weavecoding project was the nature of tablet weave. Other than a few primitive attempts that didn’t work in all cases and lead us to further questions, modelling tablet...
During our recent project residency at Textiles Zentrum Haslach, we had the opportunity to work at the TC-1 looms there. As an experiment I used my TidalCycles software, which is normally used to create music, to...
In the frame of the PENELOPE project my aim is to explore instances of weaving imagery in archaic and classical Greek literature as revealing a distinctive mode of composition, one that reflects fundamental features of ancient...
Once we acknowledge that weaving and programming are part of the same technological timeline, we can begin to look at the history of weaving as a eight thousand year long tale of human relationship with digital...
I’m writing this on the train with a slightly sleep deprived brain fizzing and popping from thoughts, ideas and conversations from this year’s Algomech festival in Sheffield. The Penelope project took a significant role in the...
Since the most ancient times, weaving is an epistemic art and an applied knowledge, and represents both a material and an intellectual technology. This double feature determines the specific relationship between the textile artefacts, the...
AlgoMech is the festival of Algorithmic and Mechanical Movement, taking place 8-12th November in Sheffield UK, with myself (Alex McLean) as lead organiser on behalf of the PENELOPE project, collaborating with a range of organisations including Museums...
We’ve been busy making a new tangible interface – the Pattern Matrix is part of the ERC Penelope project, which explores mathematical proofs embedded in (weaving) pattern, and how technology defines our relationship with the world....
This Friday morning a new weaving project took off in our laboratory at the Museum for Plaster Casts: Sylvia Wiechmann, a weaver who founded the Damascweaving workshop in Munich twenty years ago, now weaves coptic tunics...