Two Weavers | Two Looms
Two birds living together, each the friend of the other, perch upon the same tree / Of these two, one eats the fruits of the tree, but the other simply looks on without eating. Translation to...
Two birds living together, each the friend of the other, perch upon the same tree / Of these two, one eats the fruits of the tree, but the other simply looks on without eating. Translation to...
Right now, the PENELOPE team is working in the Thinker house Schedlberg, a Landmark in the Bavarian Forest close to Arnbruck. The architect Peter Haimerl managed to preserve 100% of the historic structure and substance of...
Im September 2018 hat das PENELOPE Team die bolivianische Weberin und Medienkünstlerin Sandra de Berduccy zu Gast. Sie wird im Projektlabor an einer interaktiven Installation arbeiten während das Projektteam unter der Leitung von Ellen Harlizius-Klück die...
This Friday morning a new weaving project took off in our laboratory at the Museum for Plaster Casts: Sylvia Wiechmann, a weaver who founded the Damascweaving workshop in Munich twenty years ago, now weaves coptic tunics...
Die Ergebnisse einer Kooperation der Antikensammlungen und Glypthothek München mit der Akademie Mode & Design zum Kleid der Antike werden seit dem 5. April am Königsplatz gezeigt. Am 5. Mai werden nun im Rahmen eines Workshops...
First some god breathed the thought in my heart to set up a great web in my halls and fall to weaving a robe—fine of thread was the web and very wide; and I straightway spoke among...